Main Page
From CSEE Documentation
Introduction to the CSEE computing environment
- Register to acquire a CSEE computer account.
- Support Portal - Manage tickets, groups, contact information, and account configurations.
Mail Configuration and Usage
- Forward Email to another account - Mail delivery to a remote mailbox
- Maintain Vacation replies - Autoreply to senders if you are out of the office
- Alpine - Text-based mail client accessible from the command line
- IMAP Mail Client Setup - Configure Thunderbird, Outlook, or Alpine
- SpamAssassin/ClamAV - Protection from unwanted email
- Thunderbird on Linux and Solaris - GUI mail client
- CSEE Mail Aliases - Departmental Academic and Business contacts
- CSEE Mailing Lists - Primary departmental communication and usage
- Changing Roundcube Skins - Changing the webmail theme.
- Roundcube Folders - Enabling Folders in Roundcube
Web Development
- Web Introduction - Personal Web page with every CSEE account
- CGI - Original method to implement dynamic content
- PHP - Modern method to implement dynamic content
- MySQL - Use a database to store information
Web Services
- Publications - Online publication manager and RSS syndication service
Login services
- SSH/SCP/SFTP - Secure remote logins and file transfers
Workstations in CSEE Department
- CSEE Computer Installation - Add systems to labs or offices
- Supported Hardware - Computer platforms that can be integrated within the CSEE environment
- Supported Operating Systems - Operating Systems which are centrally managed
- LibreOffice - Microsoft compatible productivity software suite
- Internet Applications - Web Browsers
- Mounting NTFS - How to mount NTFS USB sticks
- Mounting Cloud Storage on Linux
- Wolfram Mathematica on Linux
- Testing Cadence and Synopsys
Software Downloads
- Microsoft Azure for Students - (formerly Microsoft Imagine Premium) Microsoft provides software for classes and labs
- Adobe Creative Cloud - UMBC Faculty and Staff Adobe software usage for home